Waldorf Alphabet Book A Journey Through Waldorf Homeschooling Grade One Oak Meadow Kindergarten
Stories: The Hut in the Forest - Grimm The Twelve Dancing Princesses - Grimm Fairy Houses, Everywhere - Barry & Tracy Kane
Activities: Make a fairy house
Last May on a visit to Grandaddy & Gramie's cabin, Elsa picked up all these rocks. We were on a little hike, and she saw so many pretty rocks. I told her she should only pick up what she could carry herself and she ended up with her whole skirt full! We brought them home, and she has used them for all kinds of creative play.
To go with our lesson about H and Houses, Elsa built a fairy house. She was so excited to use her rocks from the mountains to make a house for the fairies.
She wrote a little note to the fairies, and sure enough, they wrote back! They thanked her for the beautiful house, and obviously they danced all night as there was fairy dust sprinkled everywhere!
Stay at home mom of 5, homeschooling the youngest 2. Life is a joyful journey! My interests are family, provident living (gardening, goats, chickens, canning, sourdough bread, etc...), art, reading, LDS church, waldorf homeschooling, animals, nature....
Way cooool!!!
Elsa, that is a very, very pretty fairy house. :)
Oh your little books are so lovely! I really love your pictures what fun!
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