Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Me and my mama.

Isn't my mama adorable! Full of love and imagination, she gifted me with her love of reading and writing, her great sense of style, her passion for thinking long and deeply on life's mysteries, and so much more. Happy Mother's Day dear mama! And Happy Mother's Day to all you other mama's too. May you have joy in your journey this beautiful day!


  1. Happy Mother's Day dear Beth:)

  2. Yes, your mama is very cute : )
    What a beautiful tribute to her. I hope your day is amazing Beth! xoxo

  3. Oh dear Beth. I just feel like hugging you and your Beautiful Mama. Mothers are truly Heaven sent. I hope you too had a wonderful day with all your lovely children.

    A happy day to you Beth.


  4. Oh, Elizabeth Joy, I didn't realize you had blogged about me. I cannot believe how sweet and kind your words are. My heart is full of tears of thankfulness right now for the privilege of being your mother. I never really thought I added much to your incredible creativity you were born with when you came trailing clouds of glory. Love you darling girl. Your own MaMa

  5. Beth- I would love to meet your mom someday.
