Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Signs of Spring

Spring has definitely sprung here! Strangely, one of our first signs was this cheery little robin. Why strange? Isn't that traditional? Well, I have lived in Arizona most of my life, and never saw a robin here in the desert until this spring! Now my dad says that he saw plenty of robins when he was a kid here, but for me this was a new and exciting experience. The little robin and his mate spent nearly a month in our backyard. With that delightful introduction to spring, here are some photos around our yard and the many signs of new life this past month...

Peach trees in the front yard.

Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.

Our new nectarine tree.

Warm enough to wear shorts!

Broccoli blooming and going to seed.

A little nest in the compost tumbler!

And a sweet little hen setting there.

New leaves on the grapevines.

Cabbages almost ready to harvest!

An abundance of sugar snap peas.

Our filly, Stardust, munching on sweet spring grass.

Ponies, dogs, and kids, kicking up thier heels for the pure joy of Spring!
Happy Spring!


  1. What a picturesque childhood these kiddos are having! I love your pictures. Surely you could write a children's alphabet book of the seasons with real photos to illustrate each letter. =)

  2. Thank you Beth for sharing such joy with us...my liebchens oohhed and aahhed and really appreciate your sweet gardens, orchards, and creatures ;)

  3. oh, it is gorgeous at your home!
    i love the second photo, such sweetness! possibly the robin flew all the way from my home to yours? ; )
    close friends of ours are moving to the mountainous region of arizona, is that close to you?

  4. Such happy, energetic pictures. I love all the animals so free and natural roaming about your home amongst your family. Happy spring to you!

  5. Gorgeous spring pictures, Beth.

  6. your pictures made me feel so happy this day! Especially cause I know that you have created a little piece of heaven on earth where you live.

  7. What beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  8. So much beauty here. Can we come visit?!

  9. Spring, spring, hey ho for spring cheers from New Zealand Marie

  10. Hehe, I am laughing at myself today. A couple of days ago I squeaked out of the house for a walk. As I walked by your house I admired the luscious flowers bursting all over your trees. Seriously! It is a sight to behold! I remember thinking, "Beth ought to blog about her spring". I forgot you already have!" =D

  11. Dear Beth,
    I love all the signs of Spring, such beautiful photos... We are moving further into Autumn here in South Africa. Time for knitting all those warm scarves and hats:)

  12. Thank you, everyone for the sweet comments! I love spring here and have really been soaking it up.
