Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Mad Hatter Halloween Tea Party

Halloween Night
Our Place
Come on over around 7ish or after Trick-or-treating
Good food as always, and this year homemade root beer
Cakewalk donations and prize donations are welcome

P.S. The awesome hat above was made by the talented Lucy and will be worn by Jill as part of her awesome Mad Hatter costume.


  1. Darn, wish I lived closer - I'd totally join your party.

  2. Amazing. The hat, the talented Miss Lucy.

    Can't wait for the party. =)

  3. I wish my family could join you! It sounds lovely : ) The hat is wonderful, what a great costume idea!

  4. I want to come! Sounds like a frightful event! I wouldn't want to be late

  5. Lovely hat! I wish we could join you...

  6. ooooh sounds like a lot of spookish delight! Love that picture a hint of whimsy and a hint of halloween. Very fun!

  7. All you far away friends~I wish you could come too!
    Tracy~ you should come! It's only a couple of hours away, right?

  8. I agree with the others : ) I wish I didnt live on the other side of the country or I would so enjoy stopping by : ) It sounds like so much fun! What a darling hat how creative!

  9. Hello dear Beth

    Our family would be there boots and all if we could. We love to celebrate. I hope you all have a fantastic time Beth. I am sure all those little children can't wait.

    Have a peaceful day
    Warm regards

  10. I love how creative you are! What a fun party!

  11. i happened upon your blog looking for a dragon pinata. My son and daughter are having a joing alice in wonderland bday party in about a month. I love love the mad hatter hat- is there anyway you can tell me how it was made? and where the pinata came from? thanks! any other info- would be GREATLY appreciated! thanks, Brandy
