Saturday, August 22, 2009

Second Star to the Right...

...and off to a Mermaid Lagoon...

The scene is set, the mermaids are ready for a party. It's a magical hour and the lagoon has been decorated for an evening of enchantment...
The soft light of magical candles sparkles off pearly seashells.

The mermaids' collection adorns the secret grotto.

Of course, a chest of pirate's gold is tucked away in a hidden nook.

A new mermaid guards the pirate gold and wonders what the night will bring.

Two best friends have joined for an evening together, they have made new strings of seashells for their gathering and lit the magic candles.

Shyly, the new little mermaid peeks in on the friends, will they let her join them?

Of course! What fun to have a new friend!

The three mermaid friends talk into the late hours of this magical night. Many adventures will lie ahead for them, and it all began here.

Thank you, Fawndear, for letting me be a part of your blog party! My girls and I had so much fun setting the scene for our mermaid party. What a magical time we all had, remembering how much fun it is to be young and lost in an enchanted world.


  1. What a gorgeous nature table, I can imagine there was much play and fun involved with the creating of this!! I love the mermaid dolls!

  2. Beautiful, Beth! it all looks sooo magical!

  3. Beautifully Enchanting!!! Loved it. Secretly I've always wanted to be a mermaid. Maybe it's because Disney's the Little Mermaid came out in theaters when I was engaged to my husband and the Song, 'Kiss the Girl,' became our song. Even learned how to scuba dive because I envied them so much.
    Loved your magical nautical world, especially the shell candles and your darling mermish ladies.
    Thank you sooooo much for joinging my Adventure. Tickled Pixie Pink that you had a good time.

  4. Beth, this is just absolutely magical and beautiful. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing it with us!

  5. What a fabulous your mermaid party is! They are so cute and I am so glad they came out for the party to make new friends. The shells and candles are delightful and make an eloqent setting for this special event! Your daughter is beautiful and I am so glad she enjoys a little rain.

    Smiles, Cyndi
    You are invited to my special party also! SMiles, Cyndi/ByLightOfMoon

  6. Hi, Such a beautiful mermaid adventure. Everything about it was so enchanting. I love the three mermaid dolls. I have enjoyed your party.Thanks for stopping by and leaving the sweet comment.8-)

  7. beautiful...thanks for sharing the magic!
    Dancingly, Denise
    PS I have a Forgotten Fairy giveaway going on right now at:

  8. I love this mermaid scene! It looks not only beautiful, but fun to play with. What a neat idea. I love your blog and I'm going to start following it! :) --Jennifer
