Sunday, August 30, 2009

For a New Little One

It's always such a joy to make a gift for a new baby. Every baby deserves to be surrounded by things handmade with love and thoughtfulness. I made this little musical dolly for my new niece, Katherine. Welcome to the world, sweet baby!


  1. Beth, Thank you So Much!!! The musical dolly is so adorable and has actually calmed Katherine down during a few fussy moments! You did an amazingly professional job on it and it is the cutest thing I've ever seen!!! I absolutely LOVE it!

  2. Oh Beth, she is just beautiful, you are so talented :)



  3. What a sweet precious dolly! I think that she will be cherished for many years.

  4. Dear Beth

    The littlest sweetpea baby is gorgeous. I do believe you are a Waldorf doll maker in the making. I hope this little doll will be cared for long into her adult life.

    Happy day to you Beth
    Warm regards

  5. This little dolly, with an exquisite embroidered face and hair and pull string music box playing Rock a bye Baby, is the cutest, sweetest, most soothing little musical gift ever! Katherine and her big sister, Allie loved it. (Gramie)

  6. the dolly is sooo cute! really Beth, you should make some and put them on etsy right away (along with Lucy's tiny crowns)!

  7. What a darling little doll! You did such a wonderful job on it! What a treasure!
