Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summer Solstice

Ok, I know this may look more winter solstice appropriate, but this is how we celebrated. A day late. Sunday was just so full with Father's Day celebrating and also celebrating Jill's sweet friend Jared leaving on his mission. We left home at 7:50 a.m. on Sunday, and other than stopping back in for a few minutes to feed the animals, we did not come home until well past 10:00 p.m.! So last night, after the long hot day, when the summer sun finally went to bed, we gathered around the table and made star lanterns. They were so beautiful all glowing and warm, everyone sat in quiet wonderment and I made up a story about a little girl who meets the fairies on midsummer night. It was a lovely, enchanting evening!


  1. Now I want to hear your story. Gald you had such and enchanting evening and thank you for thinking about me with your Watermelon Award. I shall enjoy every juicy bite of it.

  2. I guess I should learn how to spell. Gald instead of Glad? Don't know what came over me there. By the way, your lanterns are beautiful.

  3. These lanterns look so pretty, it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Have a great week...

  4. Lovely laterns! Sometimes the simplest celebrations become the most cherished ones.

  5. Beth, I want you for my mom! I'm sure my kids do too. You are so creative and fun!
