Monday, April 13, 2009

Ostheimer Easter

Every year we put a few new Ostheimer figures in the Easter baskets. Here are the ones from this year. All the kids love these - even the teenagers! I think their warmth and beauty and spirit are so special. I love having natural and beautiful toys for the kids for many reasons, but one of the best is that looking at them brings joy to everyone. It is almost like they are playing with art, and when the toys get left laying around it is a beautiful mess rather than an annoying one!


  1. How refreshing - a beautiful mess rather than an annoying one! Now that's what I call looking at mess with a creative eye. Love this post!

  2. I love your Ostheimer toys, they are so beautiful!

  3. What an imaginitive idea I love it, I do think those Ostheimer toys they are so beautiful also! I like how you shared how playing with them are like playing with art piece. I hadnt looked at it that way! I really enjoyed reading your posts Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. Hello Beth

    I have a few of them too . They definitely are special. I intend to keep those for my children to give to their children. I am a great fan of creating nature and celebratation tables. I love displaying the little animals and treasures. They bring me joy. So yes, can you imagine the joy these natural toys bring our children.
