Thursday, February 5, 2009

We've Been Busy!

Ok, I'm a little behind, but that's because we have been so busy! Besides weeding the garden, cleaning the goat pens, and all the daily stuff, we have been having tons of fun!

Doing squirrel math:

We have a bunch of pinon pine nuts from Grammie & Grandaddy's cabin, so the mama squirrel hid them in groups of 3 and then 4 all over the living room. The little squirrels then found them and worked on multiplying and dividing by 3's and 4's. Very cute and ...yummy!

Celebrating Groundhog Day! Robin wrote a story about the groundhog, colored a picture and copied the applicable rhyme, made a wordsearch, and.....

... recycled old crayons into new multicolored crayon discs. Robin was so excited to do this after his friend Haley brought some in to Primary on Sunday. So, we didn't make Candlemas candles, but we did melt some wax and have some fun. As you can see, Robin stacked his into a cute little mushroom.

We also started milking our Nigerian Dwarf goat, Mocha. Her milk is amazingly creamy! Unfortunately, she is only making about a quart a day, so it disappears fast.
"We Love Goatmilk!"


  1. I love the idea of mama squirrel hiding groups of nuts around to use in math. I'll have to try that next week with Kayla, I'm sure she'll love it.

    And that last photo is just lovely. :)

  2. my girls have been making crayons the last few days too!
