Saturday, October 25, 2008

My first blog

Well, I guess it's finally time for me to join the blogging world! There is so much going on here all the time, hopefully I will be able to keep the blog current. Here's an example of what's going on right now - Two girls competing in two different H.S. marching bands, baby goats born, a Halloween party we are planning, a trunk-or-treat last night, a Phantom of the Opera costume to sew, middle-school soccer, homeschooling a kindergartener and 3rd grader, OK, I will stop there. Now if I can just remember to take more pictures!


  1. Hey Beth! Welcome to blogging!!! I am so excited to see what great and creative stuff you are always doing!

  2. Yay! I finally got through to you about how great blogging is!
