The last, lingering days of summer. Here in Arizona, our summer is very long. In fact, Mrs. Summer sometimes makes us wonder if she will ever leave! We love her though, with her long, carefree days, shooting-star nights, and all the sweet summer fruits and flowers.

Isn't this a sweet bonnet? Elsa wore it all over the antique store, and how could I resist? The vintage blouse is seeing lots of summer action. It's made of the lightest batiste, hand embroidered with colorful summer flowers...

Paired with linen pants it's the perfect late summer outfit.

Our beautiful peach trees surprised us with a bountiful harvest this year. Late summer peaches aren't actually ideal here in the desert, but these are really thriving. When we first moved in to our house we considered taking them out and replacing them with early peaches. The trees were very small then, and when the peaches ripened, well, there were just enough for the birds and bugs, and none for us! We didn't do it though, and now are so glad...

For several weeks we harvested this many peaches every few days! Most we ate fresh, warm and juicy... some went in the freezer, lots went in to peach cobbler and cake. And there were still plenty for birds and bugs and chickens and goats...

The peach tree is so big now, that she can shelter little ones in an impromptu hammock...

Gently swaying, cradled in the warmth of a late summer day.